Capital Oversight’s Asset Verification Unit, provide field inspections, verifications, and inventory auditing services for the equipment leasing, commercial lending, wholesale credit, and floor plan financing industries.Our mission is to provide our customers with accurate and timely reporting from the field with superior service. Backed by a nationwide professional network of inspectors and a robust technology platform, our risk management tools are now among the most advanced in this global industry.
As due diligence experts with over two decades of experience, along with our parent company’s nearly two centuries of experience, we understand how to minimize your exposure and manage your risk in an ever-changing marketplace. Our services are offered nationally.
Equipment Inspections
Leasing companies, funders and lease-brokers have long relied upon Capital Oversight’s detailed equipment lease inspection reports for field verification of nearly any type of equipment.While originally designed to meet the stringent risk management needs of the leasing industry,our inspection reports are an ideal verification solution for non-lease transactions as well.
Site Inspections
Commercial lenders frequently utilize our site inspection reports during the pre-funding due diligence process and for regular portfolio management. Clients can choose between our comprehensive internal/external site inspection report and our concise, yet economical “drive- by” verification report.
Merchant Site Inspections
Designed to serve the merchant advance industry, our merchant site inspection report provides clients with a fast, nationwide and cost-effective means to prevent fraud and evaluate credit risk in the field. The on-site inspection provides verification of merchant information, business conditions and active credit card terminals.
Collection Inspections
Our nationwide commercial collections are a cost-effective means of managing risk in the field, providing you with accurate and timely information. Each collection visit includes a detailed on- site inspection report in addition to a check pickup request. Clients can choose between our comprehensive collection inspection report that includes collateral verification and our concise, yet economical “door knock” collection visit.
Thanks for choosing Capital Oversight to monitor your company's most vital assets.